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- IMPROVMENT: added Vietnamese translation by Xman
- BUGFIX: use crc32 to build ids for tabbed config, wich collapsed in other than utf8 charset
- IMPROVMENT: added GA option: non-interaction to prevent events in bounce-rate calculation.
- IMPROVMENT: added French translation by Eva
- IMPROVMENT: added option to hide upPrevBox on mobile devices, matching imlemented from WP Mobile Detector ticket from forum
- IMPROVMENT: added action iworks_upprev_image – you can add own code to produce icon, when them don’t support post-thumbnails
- IMPROVMENT: added thumbnail filter iworks_upprev_get_the_post_thumbnail – now you can easy change thumbnail
- IMPROVMENT: added purging transient cache entries from $wpdb->options table when turn off this cache forum
- IMPROVMENT: add check _gaq object exist
- CHECK: checked compatybility to WordPress 3.3
- IMPROVMENT: updated IworksOptionClass to version 1.0.1
- IMPROVMENT: added ability to turn off “remove_all_filters” function
- BUGFIX: fixed printing GA code when “I don’t have GA tracking on site.” is unticked. forum thx win101
- BUGFIX: fixed end date filter for imported posts
- BUGFIX: fixed javascript conflict on edit post screen
- BUGFIX: fixed problem with unchecking ‘Excerpts’. forum thx benjamin
- BUGFIX: fixed sticky posts display loop
- BUGFIX: fixed thumbnail display problem
- IMPROVMENT: added filter ‘iworks_upprev_box_item’ for any item excerpt YARPPs
- IMPROVMENT: added GA track: view box and click link
- IMPROVMENT: added option ignore sticky posts
- IMPROVMENT: added sanitize function for offset
- IMPROVMENT: added thumbnail preview on posts/pages list
- IMPROVMENT: cleaning empty styles from custom css field
- REFACTORING: option managment